Motivation : - Our paper is regarding the implementation of 3D modeling software in the education field, especially in the field of engineering. We know about the use of special effects and 3D modeling in basically gaming industries and movies, actually till now the use of Animating and modeling software are too technical, but we thought to use it in regular study life and technical education .Now here comes the main question….what is 3d Modeling? In computer graphics, 3D modeling is the process of developing a mathematical representation of any three-dimensional surface of object (either inanimate or living) via specialized software. The Software used are basically Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3DS Max, Blender, Cinema4D, etc.
The product is called a 3D model. It can be displayed as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3D rendering or used in a computer simulation of physical phenomena. The model can also be physically created using 3D Printing devices.
Models may be created automatically or manually. The manual modeling process of preparing geometric data for 3D computer graphics is similar to plastic arts such as sculpting.
Thus we can create realistic models of anything, any real or even virtual object, animal, and plant, anything actually……regarding our imagination.
What are the basic subjects we do fear in technical education ?Mathematics ,Mechanics ,Electrical engineering ,Physics ,honestly if we tell….everything .No ,it is not a matter of laugh ,different students allergic to different subject .I was in case of Engineering Drawing in 1st year .But by the help of 3D Modeling…we can represent a very clear idea to students about the subject matters .What is the reason to fear subjects ? Actually if we can’t understand a subject ,we got less interested in it .And it is true that these subjects like Mechanics or Physics ,or Engineering Drawing etc consists of different types of abstract ideas…like different leavers or machinery concepts in Mechanics ,Isometric models in E.D ,Top view, Front View ,Side View etc…models and working of Neutron ,Proton ,Electron and their orbits in Physics etc. But through the help of 3D Modeling we can create their clear cut models to present in front of the students. We already know the use of “models” regarding our subjects…be it engineering drawing….or life science…or geometry…or physics….but those sometimes makes it more boring or confusing .We can use the modeling software here….to make some interesting models… make subjects easy and interesting, cause the use of the modeling software will make the model “alive” .Even we can present animation of the working of the models depending upon the subject matter to make it more interesting. Students will find it very interesting and easy to understand if the machines they are studying are not simply diagrams in book but a realistic 3d model which can show them exactly how the internal parts are connected or how the machine actually works. All the electron-proton collisions and diffraction etc can be shown to them as if they are happening right in front of their eyes. This way physics or math will become much more interesting and lucid to all the students.
This use of modeling software will have another effect .Also in this way we can make the animating software more popular and the 3D modelers can find a solution around their job…where in India it is really hard to find some for them…till now !But in case of other countries…just see their opportunities.
Messner et al (2003) point out “observing and experimenting with the building construction process” is very important but “it is difficult to provide this opportunity to the students in an educational setting”. With 3D, 4D and VR visualizations “students can experiment with different ‘what-if’ scenarios and actively discover unique solutions to construction planning challenges” (Messner et al, 2003). As Mantovani (2003) indicates “the point is no more to establish whether VR is useful or not for education; the focus is instead on understanding how to design and use VR to support the learning process”. The authors believe that 3D modeling and VR technology can be useful in built environment education in order to:
1. Prototype buildings, sites and cities
2. Demonstrate features and processes involved in built environment subjects more specifically
3. Allow users to observe and interact with the buildings, designs, concepts in their entirety or as partial close-up views. It also allows easy changeover between these different views.
4. Provide motivation and make learning experiences more interesting
5. Allow users to experience a sense of immersiveness in the buildings, designs and concepts
6. Offer an alternative when site visits etc are costly and hard to arrange because of health and safety issues.
Virtual Reality can be used when teaching using the real thing is dangerous, impossible, inconvenient, too time-consuming or too costly (Pantelidis, 1997). In order to establish a shared understanding of the built environment between diverse professions, different representations of the real world, such as sketches, scale models, drawings, photomontages etc are being used and built environment students are made familiar with these techniques. However it is also imperative that students should have some knowledge of new, emerging technologies appropriate to their subject discipline in order to extend their understanding of the built environment (Horne and Thompson, 2007).
Architectural technology design project:-
Final year students of Architectural Technology have to ensure optimum building performance and efficiency and have a specific need to resolve both technical and design issues. Students applied their knowledge of Virtual Reality, both theory and practice, to interact with their designs in a way that had not been possible previously. They programmed behaviors into their models which enabled the exploration of external and internal cladding options, movement of doors, vehicles, elevators etc and simulation of air flow. Such behaviors provided the perception of immersiveness when navigating around the models using stereoscopic projection in the Virtual Environment.
Approach:- The thought came from our regular student life……we have already studied the thinking of the students from nursery to pre or post graduate in various courses….and we all know about the use of perfect example regarding a topic…which can make it easy to understand and enjoyable .We have also inspired from the use of Interactive 3D Modeling at the Institute of Technical Education in Singapore . EON Reality, the world's leading interactive 3D software provider, provides virtual reality software to the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) in Singapore. Mr. Sridhar Sunkad, managing director at EON Reality's R&D Singapore said that – “Providing new ways for today's learner to be actively engaged in the learning experience has become more necessary in a rapidly-changing environment”.
He also said - “But we also see a growing need to provide cost effective incorporated training environments for the industry, stakeholders and customers to provide cost effective incorporated training environments based on virtual reality solutions.”
This paper presents data that was gathered from a research project designed to further VR integration in the School of the Built Environment, Northumbria University. A strategic, systematic approach was adopted to raise awareness of VR technologies in the school. A series of staff development events were held in the school’s semi-immersive Virtual Environment and staff were informed about different types of VR and potential applications for the built environment. Academic staffs were encouraged to propose further ideas and suggestions for the integration of three dimensional modeling and VR into their teaching and learning, and all suggestions were recorded into a relational database. Forty-four projects were developed for staff across the school, and twelve of these were selected for analysis in this study. The method of selection focused on examples of academic practice where three-dimensional modeling and VR were being used to extend traditional forms of representation and enhance the students’ learning experience. Projects were developed using commercially available 3D-modelling and VR software. Qualitative research methods were seen as the most suitable way of collecting, analyzing and reporting data for this study in order to understand the attitudes perceptions, opinions and concerns of academic staff in regards to use of 3D and VR technologies in their teaching. A total of 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted with key participants involved in the integration of 3D technologies into the built environment curriculum. Each interview lasted one hour and was audio-taped to facilitate data analysis. The interviews were then transcribed and analyzed. The interview questions were designed to gather data systematically, although it should also be acknowledged that the researchers’ experiences, thoughts and beliefs inevitably played a part in the final analysis. We can easily follow these kinds of methods to plot the idea of using VR and 3D modeling in technical education in India.
1. To make technical education simpler and more interesting.
2. To make students actually understand what is happening instead of cramming up the topics.
3. Solve the unemployment problem of 3d animators in India by giving them jobs in colleges as the modeling experts.
4. To make India’s future brighter by making the students more technically and logically advanced.