Sunday, February 21, 2010

Something about me,and my blog.

Well,this is the first post to my blog,and i am a bit formal in case of starting anything.So first of all,i think i should introduce myself.I wrote a small about me for my facebook account,and did for my orkut too . I am gonna use some of that here,to describe my "Super in-humanistic" nature. Some call me a "Hypocrite"and a hypocrite should not write about himself....cause as you all know...anything he says..actually he does not means or posses...

But what is the perfect definition of a Hypocrite?Means i know...i am a bit different from others...some may call me "unsocial"...some call "short tempered"...some call "mad","addict",overconfident "fool".And it is hard to say,really i am confused about myself !! Means....what i am? The answer is tough for me , I think it is for all of us , yet they have something to say about , something to describe...something to clarify , but my mind leads me to the ultimate opacity here.

So what's this blog about ? No , i cant decide . I am going to post my thoughts , my writings , my works , my opinions here . You can say ,"I am going to CLARIFY myself ?"...or more properly , to find myself.

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